Suicide Prevention Saves Lives

Someone dies from suicide every 40 seconds. By the time you’ve read through this article, three people will have given into the thoughts that said their circumstances were too much to bear and there was only one way out.  Be aware What if every person those three people came in contact with had known the… Continue reading Suicide Prevention Saves Lives

September is National Recovery Month

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, nine out of ten people who need substance abuse treatment don’t receive the help they need. For the 10% of Americans who have made it into recovery, it’s a continuous battle to be free from the grip of opioid dependence, alcoholism, and other forms of… Continue reading September is National Recovery Month

June is PTSD Awareness Month

Approximately 8 million Americans are living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a potentially debilitating condition that can develop following a traumatic experience. For example, approximately 67 percent of those exposed to mass violence have been shown to develop PTSD. However, this mental health condition may be triggered by a natural disaster, a personal assault, childhood… Continue reading June is PTSD Awareness Month

Parental Depression: How it Impacts Children

Depression continues to be one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States. In 2017, an estimated 17. 3 million American adults had at least one depressive episode. While studying the impact that depression has on children, it’s been found that untreated parental depression can result in negative consequences for children. As… Continue reading Parental Depression: How it Impacts Children

Stress Less During Stress Awareness Month

Sponsoring Organization: Amerihealth It may seem like stress is no big deal—it’s something we all experience every day. But did you know that about 90% of visits to primary care physicians are related to stress disorders? What’s more, workplace stress costs American businesses nearly $150 billion dollars annually! Stress is a bigger issue than you… Continue reading Stress Less During Stress Awareness Month

Alcohol Awareness Month: Use, Abuse, and Everything in Between

Alcohol Awareness Month is an opportunity for people to join the conversation about alcohol-related issues. Since April of 1987, organizations across the country have been embracing this month as a catalyst for alcohol abuse education and outreach. Whether you’re struggling with an alcohol use disorder (colloquially referred to as alcoholism), or know someone who needs… Continue reading Alcohol Awareness Month: Use, Abuse, and Everything in Between

1 in 3 Women, 1 in 6 Men: Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

This April marks the 19th anniversary of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM), and there’s no better time to reflect on the definition of sexual assault, learn the statistics, and make it all a thing of the past.  First, it’s important to have clarity around the definition of sexual assault—you’d be surprised how many… Continue reading 1 in 3 Women, 1 in 6 Men: Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

National Child Abuse Prevention Month: Building Strong and Thriving Families

Sponsoring Organization: HHS – Child Welfare April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and we’d encourage everyone to get involved. Children will always be our most valuable resource. By making sure that parents have everything they need—information, skills, and resources—to take good care of their children, we can all contribute to a brighter future by… Continue reading National Child Abuse Prevention Month: Building Strong and Thriving Families

Illuminating 13 Myths of Schizophrenia

It’s safe to say that no mental disorder is more shrouded in mystery, misunderstanding and fear than schizophrenia. “The modern-day equivalent of leprosy” is how renowned research psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., refers to schizophrenia in his excellent book, Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers. While 85 percent of Americans recognize that schizophrenia is… Continue reading Illuminating 13 Myths of Schizophrenia

How to Cope with OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder can be a disruptive condition to live with, but there are steps that you can take to cope with it. In this Spotlight, we take you through them. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) occurs when a person has recurring thoughts and behaviors that they cannot control. Individuals with OCD feel that they must repeat these thoughts… Continue reading How to Cope with OCD

Now Offering Primary Medical Care!

This is where a journey to better health begins; primary care includes routine examinations, general health advice, and early detection of potential problems.