
The Positive Effects of Your Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions feel like they’re made to be broken. That new exercise routine or commitment to writing your memoir are a distant memory come February. So why do so many people bother setting goals in the first place? 

Setting the right kind of resolution is the first step toward accomplishing it. A good resolution is specific and centered around you. Instead of just saying you’ll “get healthy,” set a goal to work out twice a week so you feel better. You’ll remember what you need to do and why you’re doing it.

But even a good goal can feel like an uphill battle, so why worry with the resolutions at all?


As the new year approaches, many of us take time to reflect on what we loved about the past year, what didn’t go so well, and what we can do to make the next 365 days better. Goals around mental and physical health, financial wellness, and personal ambitions give us a sense of control over the year to come. Sketching out workout plans, making a savings goal, and planning out a bucket list trip also give us something to focus on when life feels overwhelming.


A good why can provide motivation when the path toward your goal gets tough. If you’re just eating healthy to fit into a pair of jeans, you may decide it’s easier to buy a new pair and give up entirely. But if you focus on wellness, you’ll have a better reason to persevere.

Focus on the long-term benefits, not just the short-term perks. While a smaller waist or bigger savings account may be nice, consider how those things will contribute to your physical and mental wellbeing over time. A healthier lifestyle will mean more energy. A healthier bank account will mean less financial stress. 


While not every New Year’s resolution will become a reality, the ones that do are reasons to celebrate. Whether it’s on the road to recovery or a pit stop in your bigger journey, each accomplishment will provide the motivation to dream bigger and work toward the next goal. 

This will also build a sense of accomplishment and pride about yourself. You’ll feel more assertive in expressing needs and opinions, confident in your ability to make decisions, and form more secure and honest relationships.

If you need help kicking addiction or forming healthier habits, the team at Valley Oaks can help you overcome life’s challenges and accomplish your goals.

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